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Why Is Samsung & LG Doing So Well topic

"A little off topic but I was thinking recently why Samsung and LG are doing well and not Sony, HTC etc. Are people not a fan of a simplistic experience on Android? Because the best sellers in the Android Community always come with a host of features and what some reviewers call "gimmicks" but to the average consumer, they see it has getting the most out of what you paid for like buying a car with a lot features as standard even though you do not use them all. I think that when general consumers think of simplicity, they think iPhone and when they see an Android phone trying to do the same, they think it won't be a good job as the iPhone is a simplistic as it gets. I don't know. This makes more sense to me that HTC and Sony should enhance their user experience if they want to compete with Samsung and LG because i think we in a day and age were showing cool features, tech and toys to other people is just part of normal living. For example, my mom just got the iPhone 6 and when I showed her my Note 4 features, she said she wants to go back to Samsung because she's wondering, why is your phone cheaper when it offers so much more. She's not sold by the glamor of Apple so this could be a reason why she thinks this way. Sorry for the long text lol." - A comment i posted on the PocketNow site.

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