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[Q]HTC One X - stack on logo screen or in RF kill topic


I have HTC One X. I wanted to put ROM 4.3 version on it. I had 4.2.2 version before rooting it.
I followed instructions in the Internet and rooted the phone to CWM. Then I installed CM 10 and it got stack in the logo screen. I tried other different ROMs and had the same issue. There were some ROMs that did work for me like Kaos_Droid-V5.1.5-endeavoru but when the phone loaded I wasn't able to activate the WiFi and when entering the SIM card in the phone, it didn't recognize it. I tried more then 10 different ROMs and had the same issue - most of them were stack in the logo screen and the ones that did work was on RF Kill.
I wanted ROM 4.3 but now I just wanted my phone to work......

Can anyone help me in this issue ?

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