User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / Sitemap: Nano Mobile: [Q]Cannot see NAS on LAN topic

[Q]Cannot see NAS on LAN topic

I have a new Samsung Note 4 that I have given a fixed IP to on my Netgear router. For some reason it cannot see my Synology 213 NAS ( also fixed IP) either with ES File explorer or with the android apps such as DS Finder. I can connect with quick connect via the internet but not directly with the LAN. ES filer explorer shows up other computers on the LAN just not the NAS. I have tried another android phone and it shows the NAS. All of the devices are in the same domain.

I dont know if there is there something I can do on the NAS for this latest added device on the network to see it or is it an Android or Samsung Galaxy Note 4 problem?

Any help appreciated


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