User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / Sitemap: Nano Mobile: [Q] Xperia Play R800AT stuck in bootloop. Please Help? topic

[Q] Xperia Play R800AT stuck in bootloop. Please Help? topic

Hello, this is my first post with XDA, please forgive any poor grammar, spelling ect. Please assume I do have the proper drivers installed and downloaded the rom md5 check ect.

Like the title says my Xperia Play r800at is stuck in a boot loop. Trying to give you a picture of where I am right now ill put the list of events in order:

1 - Had an xperia play on stock for about a year. One day I get bored and successfully flashed XPLAY with flashtool, using the proper rom found on XDA.

2 - Subsequently, rooted Xplay using zerg rush (I believe it was) thing is, I'm pretty sure I left the boot loader untouched. Xplay continues to work fine for several weeks until...

*Here's where things start to fall apart!*

3 - Xplay begins to experience "snowy" screen, indicative of bad flex cable, had to replace that leaving the device was out of commission for a couple weeks.

4 - Flex cable arrives, I replace it . Upon first startup snowy screen problem is gone, however Xplay refuses to boot past the first "Sony Ericsson" startup (screen goes black and repeats - hence boot loop).

5 - I read on other forums that re-flashing the rom has worked for other people experiencing this issue. I tried installing the same firware rom that last worked - still bootloop. I tired the default firmware rom from SE - still bootloop.

6 - Tried using the Sony Companion Repair tool. At first it wouldn't do work coming back with "cannnot find software for this device error". Assuming that its because I'm rooted and possibly unlocked the bootloader somehow, making the sony repair tool not play nice.

7 - I ran the "Xperia_Relock_bootloader.ftf Application (found on xda) which seemed to relock the bootloader (or something). Then after that I tried to re-flashed a rom - still boot loop.

7 - After which Sony Companion finally does recognize my phone and allows me to repair the device. Which is supposed to fix boot loop error... but not for me :(

At this point I'm all out of ideas and direction. Anyone help please??

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