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[Q] How to convert zimage to boot.img the right way ? topic

Hi everyone :)

i'm trying to compile my own kernel for sm-g900h from source , after i've encountered tons of errors during compilation and trying several toolchains and configs i got the zimage and the modules ready but !!
when i convert zimage to boot.img using umkbootimg and mkbootimgtool the boot.img doesn't boot at all and the device stick at samsung's logo so i thought that it's a problem with my zimage so i tried even more configs but to no avail.

the strange thing that i found is that if i unpacked the stock boot.img and then pack it without any modifications the resulted boot.img is different than the stock boot.img !!!! and it's smaller in about 500 kb than the stock boot.img !!! and of course the resulted boot.img won't boot .
so what is going on here why does these tools corrupt my boot.img :confused::confused:

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