User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / Sitemap: Nano Mobile: [Q] Can I get rid of "Call in progress shortcut"? topic

[Q] Can I get rid of "Call in progress shortcut"? topic

I am wanted to rid of the small square "Call in progress shortcut" permanently. During a call, I know you can long press the square and it will give you the message "Hide the call in progress shortcut from your screen?" and it will remove it for that call. Is there not a way to make that never pop up again? It seems redundant to have that square at the top left corner of the screen, when all I have to do is swipe down to get to shortcuts to mute or end the call. I have searched the googles and found nothing. Any help would be appreciated. I'm sure it's a simple setting that I'm missing. Thanks!

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