User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / Sitemap: Nano Mobile: Please increase Thanks limit to more than 8 topic

Please increase Thanks limit to more than 8 topic

I understand not wanting to "devalue" the Thanks feature. I get that. But consider this scenario:

You get a brand new phone (like, my new LG G3!). You need a guide to how to hack that specific device, which may need a guide just to figure out which guide to use if there are carrier specific models! You need to figure out how to unlock the bootloader, which requires rolling back the firmware, using a flashing tool, installing a new image, etc. Then you need to root. Then you need a recovery environment. Then you need a ROM, and perhaps a kernel. And some software.

You can see where this is going. That first day, you might want to thank 20 different people for their contributions! These are legitimate thanks, you're just doing more on XDA that day then you usually are.

I really don't see why 8 is the limit in these scenarios. Why not increase it like 20? Still limited, but more realistic on "busy" days like this.

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