User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / Sitemap: Nano Mobile: [14.1.2015][Yu Yureka Index Thread!!!] topic

[14.1.2015][Yu Yureka Index Thread!!!] topic

Hello all Yu Yureka lovers!!!

This thread includes all the threads of Yu Yureka indexed in one place (that is easy to search right :p)

Thread rules:
  1. Please don't spam this thread, lets try to keep this neat and clean.

  2. Only thread which includes proper date will be indexed.

  3. Please keep the thread name specific to the post, for ex: if its a port keep [PORT] in thread name, if its a guide keep [GUIDE] etc.

  4. Enjoy searching in ease :)

You can suggest me to add any thread to the INDEX by posting the links of the thread below :)

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